Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Stem cells again

Just when I was wondering about the ethics of a profit driven health care system the stem cell silliness is back. Here we go again.

I first found out about the religious fervor against anything dealing with embryos when I was going through fertility treatments. I found out what I was doing was considered the same as having an abortion to some. Seriously, trying to have a baby is the same as killing a fetus? Some of these people didnt stop there, birth control pills were a form of abortion and I remember the heart of the silliness where some pharmacists were even refusing to give women there medicine.

But then some states took over with stem cell funding and eventually Obama overturned Bush's crusade against the medical research and all was going in the right direction or so I thought.

But here we are again. Its not ethical to sell kidneys or other body parts (that I have to agree with), but it is okay to sell health. Life and death is all about money here. But not when it comes to fetus, the unborn, or even the potentially unborn (only a small percentage of embryos actually make it to the fetus stage as I sadly found out when my treatments didnt take).

I dont get it. Life is so precious when its not even born, not even to the stages of potentially being born, just a couple of separated cells of a fertilized egg, but a real, living breathing human being-well THAT life is only worth how much money it has

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