Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The end of the line

I fear the end of the fight is near. Headlines today included two things that made me cringe.
First home values drop again. Second the US government is now going into the business of policing the internet.

The home value thing really sucks. It says that class warfare is still going strong and that nothing that is being done to fight back-the protests, US/UK Uncut, the recall elections are going to change the fact that anything owned by the middle class (or what is left of it)-their time, their skills, their pensions, now most lately their homes is worth anything anymore. The things NEEDED by these people-food, energy, medical care, etc-well that is just going to keep going up and up.

And what can be done-the corporations have taken over the government. Now they are fighting hard to eliminate those eligible to vote. But even if you do vote, there is no saying that the election is going to be fair because they bought the courts (See Kloppenburg V Prossner). And that is at the state and federal level. Im talking about Thomas and Scalia of course.

And none of this would make news because corporations own all of MSM, so the only resistance people could show through their crippled unions was over the social networks on the internet. So here comes the government (read corporations) to police the internet. Anonymous warned that they were going after free internet access via piracy claims. Facebook is apparently closing down populist organizing sites.

So we can organize and protest to the ignoring masses or something real can happen. We need to shut the corporations down. Seriously. Nothing short of a mass synchronized walking away from the corporate overlords will do anything at this point.

Sounds cynical, and maybe I am just in a crappy mood about Kloppenburg's announcement today. But if anyone has a better idea have at it.

BTW I stopped blogging in order to join the Facebook exchange of ideas because I felt the need to get information out there in a format people would see. I do not know if I will blog again. There does not seem to be much that can be done with words and/or votes anymore

Saturday, April 16, 2011


And nobody is paying attention.
Michigan has ceased to be a democracy. Already four cities have fallen to the financial martial law of Snyder.
Abortion and labor rights are under attack in many states being demolished.
And there is no Supreme Court to take them on because many of the "Justices" have been paid for by the corporations.
The crazy birthers have actually got legistlation in place to insure that Obama cannot be placed on the 2012 ballot there.
Again, unconstitutional but who is defending the constitution?
Who is defending the people of this country, those of us not brainwashed by the right?
We are defending ourselves, we have to. We have to educate those that have been taken in by corporate media and tell them the truth. There is no news on TV, well except a few cable channels and some weather and sports. That is why I post here now. I want my children to have a future, I want this to be the same America I grew up in.
I spend most of my time on Facebook trying to reach people.
Too bad nobody listens except for the choir

Sunday, March 27, 2011

And the war goes on

Not the one in Libya, but the one in America, against the middle class. It is surreal what the new dictator is trying to do, along with dictators that took over other states. They want to rip money from the poor, the working, the schools, anything that is publicly owned and ran and give it to the wealthy.

These people are ruthless. It is not enough to be uber rich but they want power too. And they want everyone else to be poor. And they got us all fighting against each other so that not as many are fighting them.

But some are. A lot are. From London, to California, Ohio, Wisconsin, Canada (they threw their neocon out bless their hearts).

And so am I. In the last ten years my family's standard of living has plummeted. My husband is in the same job, took another job in fact, but we can no longer take vacations, buy a car, have birthday parties for our kids. But most of all we cannot even have time with our kids together since he needs to work so much. This is not the life we planned on. And now we do not even know if his pension will still be there and allow us a retirement.

But I am done crying for the life that was taken from me by the uber rich. I am fighting now, not for myself but for my children. Even as I must work hard to fight the tyrants leaving little time for them I am doing it for their future, so they have a better one than me. So it does not turn back into the baron robber nighmare America of the 1890's That is all that is left for me to do.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Madison and beyond

Yesterday I watched via live streaming internet the rally in Madison. I wished I could have been there. I wish that spirit of fighting and determination were with me here. But here I have doctors, family members, neighbors, my children's friend's parents that think that my husband is a lazy good for nothing greedy union member.

They did not think this last month. They thought he was an upstanding officer of the law. He did nothing different to change their opinion.

What changed was politics. Scott Walker got elected and although he vowed to make public sector employees pay more for benies, he said nothing about stripping them of their collective bargaining rights. So naturally there were protests. Okay, many many many protests that made me believe there was life in the working families of America after all. Then the rhetoric went insane.

That is how my hard working husband, who has to work two jobs by the way became a lazy good for nothing slob and hippie too.

Maybe it is the TV. I remember my daughter once watching commercials and asking for everything she saw. She asked for Dora's kitchen although she already had one. She even asked for a life insurance policy when she was four! If TV has that much of a hypnotic effect on people then maybe it should come with some warning labels.

But here in the real, non TV world I can only hope for the spirit of Madison to reach my community and go beyond before all public servants, muslims, liberals, gays, unwed mothers and ....oh I am sure this will go on until almost all people are lazy good for nothings unless you are a billionare and all the rest are stripped of all our money rights and dignity and what remains of the humanity of some of us

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

No I hate Scott Walker

I apologize to anyone who sees the picture of the evil dictator on my blog. I chose to monetize this site, but do not have control over who puts their bullshit on it. BTW, that Scott Walker poll is bogus and is a right wing viral thing that seems to be everywhere.

Anonymous can you make that go away?

Democracy is in serious danger

Today an extreme Governor took extreme measures to illegally pass an exteme and unpopular agenda against the wishes of the people.

This is not democracy. This is not the United States of America as called for in the Constitution. This is the first step of the last stages to complete fully the corporate takeover of America.

Tonight I will pray that people will do whatever it takes to win back democracy. I know they are tired, busy, disheartened, but if we do not we will not survive. Already wages are falling as prices are rising. In the last ten years my family's lifestyle has been drastically altered. Now with Walkergate it could be completely devastated.

I look at my precious children and want to cry. Why did I think that Russia and Guatemala were poor countries and they would be better off here? Now I wonder about their future, and if we will have to leave this country in order to provide them a better life

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Protesters? What protesters?

It is funny that after the initial protest in Wisconsin the media is downplaying the protesters. Or worse, giving voice the legislators who call them slobs.
Think back to Obama's Health Reform Act. The protesters then, known as the "Tea Party" was a real movement, real people (paid for by the Koch brothers) You could not turn on a news station without hearing about Tea Partiers. They were a real political force. Politicians spoke for them. Also paid for by the Koch bros.
Maybe these protesters need to wear weird hats and give themselves a catchy name. Freedom party. Or Democracy party. Or middle class party.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Still locked out of the capital

Against court order, the dictator of Wisconsin is still keeping the public out. We have no corporate media on our side all we have is our collective voice and he is trying to silence that.
Today he starts a bus tour to try to improve his popularity. God help us all if he does.
God help us all if his bills pass.
I want my children to have schools to go to. I want workers to have rights.
Where is Obama, who ran on education? Hello, the schools in Wisconsin are under attack.
And it is happening in Ohio too, and New Jersey. Our country is falling into oligarchy all over the place. The great American Dream may end forever if we do not win this now.
And if Obama does nothing and therfore loses the next election I expect the Repulican president will do like Libya and send troops to kill protesters
What did you idiots vote for?

Monday, February 28, 2011

We lost the capital

It seems the momentum is dying. How can people so callously cut people's wages, financial aid, health care all the while giving tax cuts to the weathly.
They are going to continue to do it unless all the people stop fighting each other and band together against the real enemy-the banks, the Koch brothers, the oil companies. Why tear a pound of flesh out of workers.

News flash-we have household budgets too. Why should we lose our homes because we have to bear the sole burden of budget shortfall causeed by the greed of the weathy?

This is insanity. It is a nighmare I wish I could wake up from. I want to get a Snotty Walker punching bad and hit it until I feel better

Sunday, February 27, 2011

We hold the capital and have a new ally

It looks like my fellow Americans are not going to give up. They know too much is at stake.
Protesters will not leave the capital and the police will not arrest them (go figure, since the right calls them lazy idiots freedloading off the taxpayer).
Anonymous the Wikileaks attack hacker has also joined forces both with a heartfelt message of support for us and condemnation of the oppressors and also with cyber attacks.
I am beginning to think we can win this thing after all. "We the People" will truly have a country again.
Thanks protesters and anonymous. I think I will sleep a little better tonight

Friday, February 25, 2011

This is not democracy

This is an undoing of democracy. Today the State Assembly of Wisconsin voted to strip people of the right to collective bargaining. "But this is America, I thought, built on people's basic rights to life, liberty, free speech, etc."

Then I realized this was not the first strike at democracy. And although the corruption at the top negates democracy also I am specifically talking about attempts and victories of stripping rights away from people.

For years now women's rights have been under attack. Gay rights as well.
Why is the nation that prides itself on being the "land of the free" trying to take as many freedoms as possible away from its citizens?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The nation at war

No I am not talking about our wars of oil, or any war abroad. I am talking about the class war where ground zero is Madison and my husband's income is at stake.

We have actually been in a class war since Reagan busted the union over thirty years ago. The ante was upped by Bush and his tax cuts to the wealthy, and even Clinton's trade agreements. The middle class has been struggling to keep their standard of living and along comes the housing crisis.

First we had to take second job, with practically everyone needing a two income family. Then we had to work longer hours at these jobs for less pay. Then we simply had to borrow because we could not possibly work anymore. Then the debt option was taken away.

So here we are, busted, tired, out of options and here come the new republicans to try to deliver the death blow. If they succeed this country will never be the same. I do not know how so many people carry on with their days. I cannot sleep a full night anymore, even with sleeping pills.

I still cannot understand the evil mind of those so greedy to do this.
Or the working class that support this war agains them. I believe Jesse Jackson called them turkeys celebrating their own thanksgiving

God/ess protect us all

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Its all about greed

Ground zero Wisconsin. Walker just admitted his "budget" is really an attempt to bust public sector unions. And if it works here, it is going to happen nationwide.

And the good citizens in this country are divided. Not the 2% or so who union busting will help against the rest, but like an even split.
Its because they have been brainwashed to believe that their financial woes are not because of Wall St, tax cuts for the wealthy, corporations sending jobs overseas.

No, they have been somehow convinced that their enemy is their neighbor. The teacher, the elderly, the fireman, the poor children, anyone who would require a payment either for services provided, money they contributed, promises made, from a government.

And they have been convinced government is bad. Government is bad only for those top 2% who are laughing about the rigged elections, the Supreme Court Justice bribed to do Citizens United to this nation, the mass stupidity of the people who are so scared and so burned out financially and emotionally they are willing to put on silly hats and point a finger at their neighbors who are fighting for everyone's future.

I do not understand the greed. So many homeless, hungry, sick and unable to get medical care, and those who are not are scared spitless that they could be next. How do you do that to a nation and happily take your tax cut and buy another yacht? Is it because you bought your church and paid the clergy to tell you that it is okay? Or do you truly believe that you deserve the lions share of everything and the rest deserve suffering? Are you godlike that you can make so many so unhappy? Have your people think up a response (and I am sure you can buy a good one)

For the rest of us we have to stick together. Union won rights are on the line again. Freedom and democracy have to be fought for constantly. Like our friends in the Middle East who hopefully will all win their battles, we can longer sit in apathy as rights and money disappear. All the time we have to defend what we have. Because the greedy are out there and they have no heart

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's resolutions for the world

It's been a while. I have been mostly disappointed with politicians and how they are handling things.
I wish scientists ran the world. They mostly look for answers and solutions rather than re-election. Take all the new technologies being developed to replace fossil fuels.
Of course, the big oil does not want that to happen. Never mind we are all going to run out and the polar caps are melting.
Which brings me to another point. We know the polar caps are melting. We know sea levels are going to rise. We know costal cities are at risk. The only actions taken seem to be to try and get people to consume less fossil fuels. What is they don't. What is the contingency plan? Is there anyone trying to save the coastal cities, maybe by digging canals to reroute the water, building levees or anything like that? I am not an engineer but I think it would be worth looking at something like that.
And the upcoming water crisis. The polar caps are melting-tons of freshwater pouring into the ocean. Can we harvest some of that?

So here's the resolutions
Stop waging wars and start working on solutions.
Somebody has to addess the problem of coastal cities being underwater by the end of the century.
Try to harvest melting polar waters
We need multinational politics to do this and to address the abuses of multinational corporations. The middle class in America will never come back until there is a global middle class, complete with global unions.
No corporate backing of politicians anywhere anytime. I would do away with politicians altogether, but at least make them all have some kind of education requirements, especially in some kind of science or solution orientated discipline.