Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Not a good book

I picked up a copy of 'Landmark, America's New Health Care Law and What it Means for You', and sadly it did not really say what it means for me.

It does seem that it is trying to push America into health care exchanges which would not be bad except that there is no COST control whatsoever.

I really think we should have gone the route of single payer and take the layer of profit that the insurance companies make out of the equation. Cost control one.

I really think that doctors should be educated without having to go so deeply into debt. Educate doctors for free. Cost control two.

Instead this book claims that this law will "maybe" slow the growth of health care cost increases. Slow the growth? We need to bring this to a screeching halt. Why does it have to be so expensive? You can go to other countries for a fraction of what you pay here for almost everything.

It also claims wages are stagnating because the rising health care costs. I agree. Furthermore, once health care costs quit rising employers will pay higher wages. Ya, right. Never underestimate greed. Once a wage is lowered it is hard to raise, esp in this economy.

It also states the government assumes that once you reach the magic income of 88K per year you can afford 8-12K in premium costs, not to mention copays and medicine, and hey dental care which is completely left out.

What it does not say is how insurance companies will be regulated, like do they have to cover well care? The book claims these laws have yet to be written. I thought the thousand page document covered this.

Some people claim this is a start. I agree with Dennis Kucinich. It is a start to privatize health care. The book even agrees that the new health care will be people buying there own policies (being forced to in fact) through government run exchages. Seeing how the insurance company lobbies have such influence in Washington this does not bode well for Americans.

Oh Canada, you are looking better every day

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