It is wonderful to be able to express oneself. It feels good to vent, to complain, or just to be able to talk about an issue. After all nothing can be resolved if it cannot even be discussed
Yesterday I complained about religions that discriminate against women, esp Muslim. But let me be perfectly clear that my aim was not to incite rage against Muslims or fundamentalist Christians or anyone else.
Words can be used to incite violence. I would never tell anyone to load their guns. I was just expressing an opinion about a wrong that I perceived. I perceived it in a lot of Christian churches so I stopped attending them.
That is all that needs to be done. Stop condoning the sexism and subscribing to it. Unfortunately some people see it as natural, normal, our subscibed 'roles' in life. Well, they saw slavery that way too. So I am here to hope sexism goes the way of slavery, and the burkas all get burned the way the bras did in the sixties.
But sexism is hardly mentioned anywhere. People only want to talk about whatever the media throws out there as important or as a distraction like Ms. Lohan's many misadventures. Hence the Mosque being talked to death and I let it pull me in because it was all over the news.
But like free speech, I believe in freedom of religion. But I would argue that if a religion calls for rituals like human sacrafice should that be tolerated? Everyone would say no to that I would hope. Yet we tolerate a lot of sexism in our religions. Nobody is getting killed, but there is damage being done IMO. So I do not believe religion should be free to do whatever they want.
Dr Laura is a piece of work. I think she made the right decision to leave radio, especially when the poor woman she verbally accosted was asking for some advice. Not a good way to use your freedom of speech, doc.
Why don't people on the radio try to inspire something good? It's easy to get people fired up, gun toting angry. But what is not so easy is to help solve problems, like the women who's husband I believe was calling her names.
Well Dr Laura welcome to the internet where you do not have to care about those things. I happen to care, but I don't have to.
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