My stomach turns at the thought of the man who lost his home to the fire department in Tennessee. It was not only the fire department, but the ultra conservatism in general, the attitude that government is bad and nobody should help anyone in need that does not pay for it.
And there was loss of life, but that keeps getting glossed over. Five pets died by the hand of that fire department that day. And as someone who has recently lost a pet a feel the need to bring a lawsuit up for that poor family and get them some justice.
I have already written about my pain of not being able to afford medical treatment for my animals or dental for myself. But we have lived with that as a country for some time, and nobody else in the world gets universal dental coverage either.
But emergency fire services I thought were always taken as a given. Not only that but some shred of common human decency. The man owed 75 dollars for the love of God, and offered to pay it on the spot. But the fire department refused to put it out. Then even showed up to watch his animals die and his home burn to the ground.
We have people we put in prison for sociapathic behavior. People who torture animals and commit crimes such as arson. People who steal money (hello big banks).
Which brings us to the banks. They are after our homes. They are fraudulently foreclosing on our neighbors to cover up for their illegal lending activities. And I hear from some it is okay because it is only those who fall behind on their mortgages. Well that could be any of us with a little bit of bad luck. One animal hospitalisation, major dental work, and a car that dies before its time, and we are starting down the barrell of bankrupcy. Again why are these people not in jail?
Capitalism. As long as they are making enough money, or can hide behind some conservative sacred idea they are actually given the thumbs up by the likes of Glenn Beck. (I turn my head and spit).
Why are we afraid of Socialism? Socialized medicine, public schools? The abscence of any sense of public responsiblity brings out the sociopaths in this country. Some of them have TV and radio shows, some of them are running for office, and some of them show up to a fire to watch animals die while they are sitting on the equipment to save those lives.
This scares me more than anything. This this was okay by anybody's standards. Where is the justice for this family, for those pets? Are they going to be the first of many victims that conservatism is going to claim if they win this election?
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