Monday, October 4, 2010

Gone and gone

We are still mourning the loss of our beloved dog, who was taken suddenly by cancer last week.
He was a lively dog, a loyal if not always obedient dog and he gave his all until the end. We cannot replace the void in our lives. Even if we chose to get another dog, finances would make that impossible.
Our surviving dog is taking this very hard. She will not eat. I was asked if we wanted to view the body before he was taken for cremation and declined. I later thought that my other dog should so she would not be waiting for him to come home. But when I called back, the crematory had already picked him up.
So I am hoping my other dog will resume eating again really soon.

Another thing gone was the amazing pastor I wrote about a few weeks ago. I went to church to find that he had disagreements with the elders and chose (maybe) to leave. This is the guy that restored my faith in people of faith and made me think there was hope for this country ever getting back together again.
But he was gone. Perhaps his message of love and forgiveness did not fit into the church's political agenda.
I hate to think that way but the guy who replaced him revered Billy Graham and spoke against 'liberal theologians'.

Goodbye to my dear and loving friend of ten years, you will be missed.

And goodbye pastor I only meant once, you were even more necessary in this city and should be missed by more than me.

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