Tuesday, September 7, 2010

That commercial again

How horrible and people are buying this oil commercial ad.

1. Suck it up oil companies, we are all facing rising prices.
2. You know what's a real job killer? Big messy oil spills.

So here is my commercial aimed at oil companies or any monopoly for that matter. You have to image the audio and visual since I don't have those up and running(dont know if Ill ever add video)

Poor looking ethnic minority person: This is certainly not the time to raise prices. Some people are barely hanging on.

Smart looking young person: Raising prices on consumers means raising prices on businesses too. This would be a job killer. Because if YOU cannot even handle a dent into your billion dollar profits, imagine what a price increase would do to companies pulling in less money.

Wise looking old woman: We are all in this economy facing rising prices, falling incomes, and yes we all pay our share of taxes. Its what keeps our roads paved, our schools running, our police, our national defense, among many other things.

Middle aged white man:If you raise prices now people that depend on your product may freeze to death. That person may be somebody's grandma, you know the ones who survive the death panels.

End commercial

PS These commercials must be costing quite a bit so I guess we can expect you to make up the dent in your profits by raising prices, so these commercials are also killing jobs.

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