Saturday, April 16, 2011


And nobody is paying attention.
Michigan has ceased to be a democracy. Already four cities have fallen to the financial martial law of Snyder.
Abortion and labor rights are under attack in many states being demolished.
And there is no Supreme Court to take them on because many of the "Justices" have been paid for by the corporations.
The crazy birthers have actually got legistlation in place to insure that Obama cannot be placed on the 2012 ballot there.
Again, unconstitutional but who is defending the constitution?
Who is defending the people of this country, those of us not brainwashed by the right?
We are defending ourselves, we have to. We have to educate those that have been taken in by corporate media and tell them the truth. There is no news on TV, well except a few cable channels and some weather and sports. That is why I post here now. I want my children to have a future, I want this to be the same America I grew up in.
I spend most of my time on Facebook trying to reach people.
Too bad nobody listens except for the choir